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We’re absolutely thrilled to announce our first-ever web series on MissMalini TV (more on that soon!) World, meet #TheGirlTribe! A show that is an offshoot of MissMalini’s Girl Tribe Facebook group; a place for women to talk freely about issues that affect us all, start conversations about how we can affect change and share positive stories from the world over. We can’t wait for more of you to join the conversation! #MMGirlTribe
Posted by MissMalini on Friday, June 8, 2018
Hello my tribe! I cannot begin to tell you what it means to me to write this blog. Ever since I wrote my book, people have been asking me, “so Malini, what’s next? Now what will you do?” and for months I have hesitated, not knowing the answer to that daunting question. I’ll be honest with you. I have struggled. I have struggled with who I am and who I want to be. I may have started a blog born from my love of Bollywood, fashion and hoarding beauty products, but I never planned to be a fashion or beauty icon, I’m not a Bollywood actor, I can’t sing (although I have danced professionally) and I don’t make funny YouTube videos. So who am I really?
I finally got my answer. I am The Girl Tribe. I started a Facebook group a couple months ago just on a whim to try it out and the response has been simply overwhelming. I have goose bumps typing this. Thinking about the conversations I have witnessed in the tribe and how quickly it has grown and how, with every voice that joins, it becomes increasingly clear to me that THIS is what social media was always meant to be. A way to connect with hearts and mind across the planet without any physical limitations. I don’t know how and where we fell off the rails with that and why and when virtual relationships eclipsed into a world of emojis and trolls (leaving behind just a shadow of a heart when you double tap on Instagram.)
So here I am, trying to start my own little revolution and challenging you to dig deep and channel your empathy and kindness. Ladies come join Malini’s Girl Tribe on Facebook, I promise you will NOT be disappointed. (And boys I promise there’s a tribe for you too, coming soon, because it’s about time we celebrate positive masculinity.)
Sometimes when everything falls into place and “the stars align” that’s when the magic happens. And my brand new web series “The Girl Tribe” is exactly that. Born out of the values and heart of Malini’s Girl Tribe, this show is everything I aspire to be. Conversations with women I admire, talking about the things that affect us all. From dispelling the stereotypes surrounding beauty to talking openly about sex and rape and how women bleed. The good, the bad, the ugly and the hopeful. Come take this journey with me, because this show is for you and most importantly it is ABOUT you. Having met so many of you on the group (and a small fraction of our 10,000+ members at our very first brunch!) I can safely say thank you. Because you complete me. <3
Psst! Here’s a little peak into some of the things that happen on the tribe…
Recently one of the members Kajal Daiya Jairo posted a request to the tribe to check in on her parents while she was travelling to London as they are older. So many people offered and have been calling them since!

We have a thread on investment advice where the conversation is still going strong… (not gonna lie I needed this desperately myself!)

We share job hunts, openings and boss lady highlights on Wednesdays! (We now have so many girl bosses I’ve created a thread dedicated to just that!

Even some casting calls were made!

We even searched for a lost puppy! (Good news he was found, healthy and happy.)

The girls often share personal experiences or things that trouble them and get a lot of support…

The group also cross pollenates social media, 1000+ exchanged Instagram handles! (Great way to grow your following with legit people.)

Discussions about why women are expected to cook got a lot of traction too! (Full disclosure, I started that!)

I have also found several girl bosses to spotlight on The Girl Tribe show from this group…

Our first on ground event happened on June 10th. The rain Gods smiled down on us and the storm never hit Mumbai. 150 girls showed up to brunch (some flying in from Delhi, Hyderabad, Delhi and driving down from Pune just for the event!) It was the warmest, most awesome party I’ve been to in a long time and everyone left having made new friends. (Loads of pictures on Instagram @malinisgirltribe & @maliniagarwal! And a video coming soon!)
We have also very recently kicked off two other Groups Malini’s Style Squad and Malini’s Bollywood Squad that are growing rapidly! And this is just a fraction of the community we have created in just two months! Imagine where we can go from here. So please join me, join the tribe and stay tuned for the show, every Wednesday on the MissMalini Facebook page. The very first episode kicks off with my dear friend Rega Jha. We get real about everything from the menstrual cup to redefining beauty standards for women in India.A change is coming and that change is you. <3