Suhana Khan who is currently enjoying a break from college has been spotted making quite a few public appearances. She also accompanied her family to Kolkatta to watch KKR play against RCB. The star kid also caught up with Karan Johar at a party yesterday & he obviously posted a picture on Instagram.
Kjo shared an Instagram story featuring himself, Suhana & his customary pout. Have a look!
Karan Johar’s Pout is always the talk of the town in Bollywood & besides teaching Shah Rukh Khan gorgeous daughter how to perfect hers, rumours also suggest he has been busy mentoring her. That doesn’t come as a surprise given the rapport him and SRK share.
Do you think Suhana’s ready to follow in her dad’s footsteps?
Also Read: Suhana Khan’s Outfit Is Simple, But Her Shoes Steal The Show