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Mini Mathur’s New Show On TLC, Mini Me, Will Be Your Dose Of Cute This Season

Mini Mathur’s New Show On TLC, Mini Me, Will Be Your Dose Of Cute This Season

Atmaj Vyas

We caught up with Mini Mathur to talk about her new show on TLC that also starts her adorable daughter. Mini Me is a 10-part series that chronicles an unconventional journey that spans 6 countries in 25 days. TV host Mini Mathur travels across Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia and Spain with her 7-year-old daughter in an attempt to bond & connect with her second born. It an amazing series about a mother-daughter duo who explore countries and in the process, connect with their deeper personalities. It truly exposes the real essence of travel! So, here are some of the excerpts from our conversation.

What you should look out for

Mini Mathur and Sairah in Lucca, Italy (Mini Me)
Mini Mathur and Sairah in Lucca, Italy (Mini Me)

So, it’s called Mini Me and will be on TLC every Friday at 9:00 p.m! It’s basically like a travelogue that chronicles my adventures all over Europe with my 7-year-old daughter. It’s actually one of a kind when you think about it because we haven’t seen anything like this on Indian TV. It’s a unique experience for me as well! I remember reading this quote that said that, you have a really small window to travel with your children and that window starts closing from the second they are born. I remember reading that and being a little shaken up. My son plays football in Europe every 2 months, so I looked at my daughter and said, “Let’s go!” We put an all women crew together too! When I set out to produce this show I didn’t want to be one of those shows that showcase people and places and have to fake what I’m really thinking. I wanted it to be as organic as possible and that’s how it started out.

Mini Mathur and Sairah in Vineyards in Tuscany (Mini Me)

I put a few tent poles in place! I also made an itinerary that was based on two things; using every mode of transport and secondly, we would stay in all kinds of places. So, yes we would stay in luxury hotels and stuff but we can’t the world through just a castle window. So, we decided that we will stay in youth hostels as well. Another important tent pole was that we weren’t going to do anything touristy. You can do that stuff anytime in your life. What I wanted to showcase is that travel can be of many other kinds too. So it wasn’t fixed, it was kinda like going with the flow.

The one experience that stood out the most

Mini Mathur and Sairah around Athens (Mini Me)

It’s actually really crazy! Each episode has dealt with a different experience and it’s difficult for me to point out one thing. Every city was a new experience has so many great memories and stories to it. For example, we researched what was so special about Maples and found out it was the birthplace of the Margarita pizza. So we found all the oldest pizzerias to find out what makes them so special.

The reason behind doing something like this

Mini Mathur and Sairah in Athens, Greece (Mini Me)

People forget to connect with places. Everyone is chasing their bucket lists and I’ve done all that. I think experience just brings about a certain understanding of what you think about travel. I have to admit that I wasn’t born thinking about travel this wonderful way. I realised I came back from my holidays more tired than anything else. So I asked myself; did I get anything from the place? No! I just had things to show for it. That kind of memories fades out. So, now when I travel, I keep it a little loose. I keep a time out to sit and “smell the roses”. I know that makes me connect better with a place and so, I want my children to feel the same way.

On work-life balance

I balance it the same way every other woman in the country does! It’s a fact that women are really good at multi-tasking! We just don’t get enough credit for it and nobody really recharges our batteries. We’re busy making everyone else happy and making sure they’re okay. We forget to take care of ourselves. It is a tough balance no doubt, but I think women are just born with a large heart! I think now people are learning that they need to put back in the box as much as they take out! For me as a mother, a performer, a wife and a professional in my own right, I find this balance very precarious but also something I can do if I try to not be perfect all the time. Perfection is a myth. Trying to make everything picture perfect will just stress you out. Now I have settled with the feeling that not everything in my life has to be perfect as long as I am happy at all levels!

3 lessons travels instills in children

Mini Mathur and Sairah at the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Mini Me)Ah! If I knew, I think I would have done it already! But if I had to say, I think firstly, I want her to understand the value of things. I want her to appreciate the fact that we are all very blessed with whatever we have! I just want her to know that what she has is so much more than what many others have. The value of relationships would be the second thing. They are the only things that you will leave this world with. Nothing in this world compares to keeping happy relationships and connecting with people. I don’t even allow them to say hello to people unless they are looking into their eyes! Lastly, to be a good world citizen! The world is so divided on some many things and we ourselves are a very cross-cultural family. So, I want her to know that you can be a mix of everything and you need to appreciate that and not let anyone define you from where you came. Let them know you for what you did. Travel just so happens to be one of the biggest teachers of global acceptance and that’s why I wanted her to travel with me so that she can see what I see and why I love it.

A message of empowerment

Leave women alone! Don’t do them any favours by calling them your equals but instead show them in your manner. If a show like this, in which a mother and a daughter are empowered enough to travel on their own is coming through to your TV screens, it’s proof that change is already coming. You don’t need just one day to celebrate. Respect and celebrate them every day!

Boy, was it fun chatting with her and we can’t wait to watch her show and see how they overcome all the obstacles they face! Don’t forget to tune in every Friday on TLC at 9:00 p.m!

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