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Neha Dhupia Plays Host On #InsideAccessWithMissMalini S2 This Week & It’s Something You Can’t Miss

Neha Dhupia Plays Host On #InsideAccessWithMissMalini S2 This Week & It’s Something You Can’t Miss

Prashansa Daniell
MissMalini and Neha Dhupia
MissMalini and Neha Dhupia

What happens when you put a Bollywood diva, an uber cute DJ & one of the funniest women on the interwebs together in one show? You get 22 whole minutes of continuous LOLs, fashion advice, and facts that you’d tweet about, STAT. Episode 4 of #InsideAccessWithMalini had a little bit of everything—Fashion advice from Neha Dhupia, Kygo‘s groovy music, and Mallika Dua‘s many ROFL moments.

1. Roles reverse as Neha Dhupia takes the mic and plays host on the show.

Plus she also reveals a fashion trend she wants YOU to try. This #BossLady to #BossLady chat is something you definitely do not want to miss.

MissMalini and Neha Dhupia
MissMalini and Neha Dhupia

2. Kygo tells us about his celebrity crush, his experience with Indian food & the Indian music director he wants to collab with.

We find out a thing or two about the Firestone artist and the music concert he wants to attend.

MissMalini and Kygo

3. Mallika Dua takes you through her favorite alter ego aka the various characters she plays

From Makeup didi ki client, Shagun aka Shagzz to Tinder Aunty more—Mallika talks about the various characters she plays. Plus she tells us the one character she loves the most.

MissMalini and Mallika Dua

Don’t miss the next episode of #InsideAccessWithMissMalini, airing every Sunday at 8 PM ET or 9 PM PT only on Rishtey Americas. 🙂