There’s just something about Kareena Kapoor Khan that screams elegance in every way. Whether we see her in sweats or slaying the runway as a showstopper, she always looks on point. Her latest desi OOTN is also hitting all the right notes so much so that if there was one celebrity look we could copy this wedding season, it would be this one. Every element showed that Kareena looks uber stylish and comfortable. It was the perfect concoction of clothes, hair, and makeup for a desi shaadi, we say.
Celebrity stylist Tanya Ghavri picked this pastel number from Simar Dugal and chooses to accessorize with just a pair of gold chaandballis from Khurana Jewellery House. Her hair was styled neatly in a low pony with a beauty look that had full focus on the eyes. We cannot stop swooning over Kareena in this gorgeous outfit.
What do you think of her look? Let us know in the comments below!
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