Ace fashion designer Sabyasachi recently made a strange comment on women recently. He was invited for a talk at the Harvard India Conference where he made the following statement which was met with a thunderous applause –
I think, if you tell me that you do not know how to wear a saree, I would say shame on you. It’s a part of your culture, (you) need stand up for it.
Many people, including fellow designer Masaba Gupta took offense to his statement –
Here’s what Sabyasachi had to say about his statement after the backlash –
What was intended to be a comment on celebration of our clothing history and heritage became a debate on feminism. This is not a gender issue. Since the question was about the saree, women were involved. I would take the same stand on men’s national clothing too. I have not made any statement on a woman’s choice on what she wishes to wear which is always her own prerogative.