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7 Quick Tips On Self Improvement And Developing Your Personality

7 Quick Tips On Self Improvement And Developing Your Personality

Atmaj Vyas
Life Hacks (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Now, we know everyone is unique and beautiful in their own right, but a little self-improvement never hurt anyone either, has it? Contrary to popular belief, you’re personality can change, can improve! The notion that a personality is something that is completely rigid is a wrong and long disapproved one. While it would be hard to completely change the personality of someone, there are ways to make a significant positive imapact by making slight tweaks that have long-term benefits. So, without further ado, here are a few tips to help you develop your personality:

1. Be A Better Listener

Listen (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

You may think you’re a good listener, but are you really? Do you have the ability to make the other person feel like every word their say is being heard? While a lot of us are guilty of tuning out at some point during a conversation, it’s not something that goes unnoticed. People who have a keen sense of observation can pick up on these small gestures and it can make you seem unappealing and not conversation-friendly. Also, most people get into the trap of listening to respond, rather than to understand.

Key Points: Eye contact, posture, and gestures.

2. Be A Good Conversationalist

Group Discussion (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

The key to holding your own in a conversation is knowledge. The more you read and know, the more interesting you become. Conversations let you express who you are, and also allow you to hear another perspective, so learning how to start and hold a conversation is vital. Remember: a conversation might lead to you learning something that you never knew or thought about before.

Key Points: Read more, speak publicly, and the art of casual conversation.

3. Develop An Opinion

Have An Opinion (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Talking to a wall is pointless and usually considered strange. The exact same sentiment can be applied to a person who has no opinion and lacks any sort of perspective. An uncommon point of view or someone with a differing opinion is considered interesting or socially stimulating, at the very least. Don’t confuse this with being a know-it-all, or having an uninformed opinion.

Key Points: Listen, engage in conversations, care about your approach, and attitude while speaking.

4. Meet New People

Meet New People (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Social skills go hand-in-hand with personality development. While you don’t have to be a complete social butterfly or the life of the party, you should really consider meeting new people consistently. Making an effort is key here, as this in turn, will expose you to different ideologies and cultures that will help expand your horizons.

Key Points: Socialising and stepping out of your comfort zone.

5. A Sense Of Humour Will Take You A Long Way In Life

Sense Of Humor(Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Being a stuck-up little sourpuss doesn’t really help anyone beyond a point. People usually gravitate towards a person who makes them laugh or smile. It always helps to see the humor in a situation. Comic relief can be a savior to an otherwise dull or gloomy setting(or even help diffuse an awkward situation). It should be noted though, some situations call for a seriousness, so you don’t want to end up being the class clown.

Key Points: Keeping the right balance, gauging a situation, comic timing, and learning to take everything with a pinch of salt.

6. Have Integrity And Treat People With Respect

Respect Others (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Being honest and true to your word will bring you admiration, respect, and gratitude of others. Nothing improves a person’s personality more than integrity and respect – respect for others, as well as respect for yourself. It’s the smaller things that count, so it helps to be supportive and able to treat everyone with the same respect, despite their social standing.

Key Points: Sensitivity, respect, being supportive, and being able to treat everyone with equal respect.

7. Be Yourself

Believe In And Love Yourself (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Sounds pretty easy right? Well, this might sound like to most common advice, but it’s usually the hardest to follow. Trying to be something you’re not or trying to mold yourself in order to fit in usually backfires. Each one of us is unique and in expressing that uniqueness, we become interesting. While it’s good to look up to people, trying to become a carbon copy of them is just a waste of time.

Key Points: Perspective, originality, don’t be pretentious, and embrace yourself for who you are.

Remember that you have the power to shape your own personality and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

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