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Don’t Feel Like 2018 Is Your Year? Then This Post Is For You

Don’t Feel Like 2018 Is Your Year? Then This Post Is For You

Karishma Govil
Lonely (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)
Lonely (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

While others celebrate and look forward to this new year and all its potential, there are some of us who still feel blue because of the baggage of 2017. Don’t worry, that’s not totally abnormal. But there are a few ways to beat this feeling and move forward. Read on to know more.

1. Don’t try to please everyone

Candy (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)
Candy (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Just as the famous Internet meme goes,  ‘You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not a jar of Nutella.’ Stop trying to seek approval from people who aren’t living your life for you. Be open to suggestions, but do what you feel is right for you in the end. Don’t be a pushover. Let them chase you for a change.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others

Sad (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Everything is perfectly timed. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop wondering why you’re not skinny like her, rich like him, or popular like them. Have faith and believe that it will all happen for you in time. Just work towards it.

3. Be thankful

Thankful (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

This brings me to my next point. Think of all the things you have that others don’t! Find all your positives and build on them. Count your blessings.

4. For all those who haven’t found love yet

Finding Love (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

Stop thinking that you have to convince someone to love you. You don’t! You should know your worth and know that you don’t have to constantly prove yourself to people. There will be a day when someone will love you completely even with your imperfections. But only once you learn to love yourself and accept your flaws.

5.Find your passion

Travel (Image Courtesy: Shutterstock)

What do you love to do? Travel? Paint? Sing? Go do that. Get busy. Dive head first into so much work that you don’t have the time to dwell on anything negative.

So, there you have it. Don’t let the blues get to you. Turn things around in 2018. You know you can. We got your back!