The first weekend of 2018 is here. And I’m sure a lot of you (the ones who intend to eat healthy and get fit this year) are dreading all the plans that are going to be made. An ideal ‘chill scene’ for a lot of us is all about catching up with our friends over a couple of drinks and some munchies. But as they say, “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.” I mean, of course that’s not true either. It’s OKAY to give in to your temptations every now and then. But if losing weight is your ultimate goal and you are super serious about it – then your weekend plans definitely need to be altered. For example: instead going to the pub at night and losing track of the number of shots you’ve had, you can try going for a Zumba dance party in the morning and lose some weight instead. Not a bad idea, right?

It will take some time and patience and a lot of willpower to stick to your new regime. But don’t think of it as a new year resolution; think of it like an overall lifestyle change and take baby steps. Go slow, celebrate small victories – and you will be more likely to keep going.
Last year, a few of my friends and I went on a weight-loss spree and most of us succeeded initially because we always had each other’s back. It always helps to have a support system. Yes, we also slipped from time-to-time, but also managed to get back on track. And this year, we are making yet another attempt at losing weight and it’s comparatively easier now as we’ve already done it before. Here are some tried and tested easy ways to stick to your new year weight loss resolutions:
1. Set achievable goals. Don’t expect overnight results. You didn’t get unfit overnight, so you can’t reverse it overnight either. Be patient. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
2. Keep yourself busy. Being occupied will help you eat less.

Have the right mindset. Don’t think of it as weight-loss resolution. Living a healthy lifestyle and getting fit should be the goal. Weight-loss will be a byproduct of this lifestyle.
4. Take a photo of yourself in your undergarments in front of the mirror – side and front profile. When you see any progress (which you WILL if you stick to your regime) in the same pose, you will feel super motivated to work harder.
5. Try the ‘no zero days’ approach – basically instead of just going ALL OUT quickly, promise yourself that you’ll do at least one thing every day to take yourself closer to your goals. It could be waking up early and going for a run, trying a new workout, saying no to a sugary snack or eating something healthy.

6. Maintain a journal. Tracking everything you put inside your mouth will help you understand your eating patterns. It will also give you an idea of just how much you snack/what derails you. So, during your next period, you can probably keep a bowl of yogurt with some fruit chunks ready in your fridge if you know that you are going to crave a big scoop of ice cream.
7. Celebrate small victories. Treat yourself with something other than food every time you hit a goal.
8. Some days are going to be harder – allow it. You are not perfect and you gave in to a temptation. It’s okay. Breathe. Move on from the slip-ups and start over again.

9. Know yourself: are you the kind of person who needs to have one little treat everyday to keep you sane? Then do that (but factor it in). If, on the other hand, you are the kind of person who would do better to avoid your known triggers, then eliminating some foods completely can help.
10. Try to stay away from alcohol, at least in the beginning. Since it is a lifestyle change and hopefully, you’re looking to do it long-term, it is definitely easier if your judgment isn’t clouded. One drink can turn into a binge night or one drink every other day can add up to a LOT without you even realising it.
11. If you NEED to have a drink, avoid cocktails. Opt for a spirit + soda. Add some water to it and throw in some lime wedges. Also, predetermine how much you’re going to drink and don’t let yourself go over that amount.

12. Pre-plan similarly before you go to eat out. Check the menu online and figure out the best option (as low-cal as you can go while still being somewhat tasty so you don’t deprive yourself). Order just that. Look for grilled and roasted stuff. When starting out, avoid getting sucked into random, unplanned social situations because they will likely lead to excess food and alcohol. Stay strong. Plan your nights/meals out in advance and try to stick to that as much as possible.
13. Decide how often you will weigh yourself (weekly, monthly) and stick to it. Keep yourself accountable. Don’t skip weigh-ins because you’re scared to see the scale.