Deepika Padukone has some of the most eagle-eyed fans out there who are aware of mostly everything their favourite actress is up to. Why would I make such a statement? Well, from the ‘love‘ pendant given to her by Ranveer Singh to proof that Deepika did visit her boyfriend in Paris when he was filming Befikre, it’s been #DeepVeer fans who have observed and discussed it all online before the news made it to the media. Another example of their attention to detail is the diamond ring Deepika has been wearing on the finger usually reserved for engagement rings.
Definitely looks like a wedding ring on the finger.
But, it’s most probably not. Deepika and Ranveer might be private about their relationship but there’s no way the two won’t announce their engagement, if that happens. So till the time there’s no official confirmation, we’ll just have to wait for Padmavati to arrive in theaters soon.