Kangana Ranaut has been the biggest newsmaker over the last two weeks with her revelations about her personal life. She spoke about her alleged affair and legal battle with her ‘silly exHrithik Roshan, about her abusive relationship with Aditya Pancholi, pay disparity in Bollywood and more. While Pancholi’s wife and son have come out in his support, Hrithik has chosen to stay mum on the topic and spend time with his family instead. His ex wife Sussanne Roshan stood up for him and posted a photo on Instagram saying nothing can triumph over a good soul.

Kangana’s film Simran just released this Friday and it’s performing fairly decently at the box office, with people loving her performance more than the film itself. Priyanka Chopra, who is known to share a warm relationship with Kangana hasn’t commented on the issue so far, but her cousin, Meera Chopra, who last starred in 1920 London, took to Twitter to take a dig at the actress.

All this talk about Kangana’s personal life was getting too much for her.

Hmmm. Thoughts?