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Kendall Jenner Sets A New Beauty Trend—And We’re Already Obsessed

Kendall Jenner Sets A New Beauty Trend—And We’re Already Obsessed

Natasha Patel
Kendall Jenner (Source: ImageCollect)
Kendall Jenner (Source: ImageCollect)

Never mind what Kendall Jenner wore to the premier of Valerian, we’re all about the beauty look she’s rocked on the red carpet! Makeup artist Mary Phillips and hairtsylist Jen Atkin created a look that’s going to be all over every blogger’s Instagram feed in minutes!

Kendall Jenner (Source: Instagram | @1maryphillips)
Kendall Jenner (Source: Instagram | @1maryphillips)

Here’s what she did:

  1. A naturally side parted lob with waves at the end
  2. Bronzed skin with blush to create a perfect contoured effect
  3. Thin and subtle winged eyeliner sans any eyeshadow
  4. Non-heavy, clumped mascara
  5. Rosy pink gloss to the lips

Would try Kendall’s look? Let us know in the comments below.

P.S: Don’t forget to follow @missmalinibeauty on IG for more trend updates and looks!