Men are governed by lines of intellect – women: by curves of emotion. – James Joyce
Last week I spent a breath-taking 3 days in Gstaad, Switzerland (the land of DDLJ and many other Bollywood adventures!) followed by 3 nights in bustling Zurich. Now I readily admit that anywhere you go from countryside to concrete, you’re bound to be a little underwhelmed. This however is not the case when it comes to Zurich and I’d like to tell you my 7 reasons why!
1. The Streets Scream Romance.
I am a sucker for cobblestone streets, probably more things to do with my love for “movie romance” but I truly believe that cobblestone streets have secret stories. Zurich itself has a very large and well preserved old town all of which is cobblestoned so I was right about those streets of glory! I mean we even spotted a wedding party as they were leaving the church, what’s more romantic than that?! (Probably getting to pose like this for my new WhatsApp DP haha.)
In fact, there’s ample place to stroll, bike and apparently even bounce off bridges! (A common Swiss pass-time from what I could tell.)
I was quite amazed by the acrobatics they try with fearless abandon!
I won’t lie I spent a LOT of time posing on this trip and I don’t regret it!
In slow motion no less! (Did I mention I was filmy?)

I mean what else do you do in a country where even their strawberries are photogenic?!
Swiss Tempelle even organised a photoshoot for me in their beautiful floristry.
PS. Thanks for the lovely hair and makeup Serhat!
2. Thing With My Name On Them…
I mean who doesn’t love that?! And to top that off, it wasn’t just a bottle of face wash with my face (aka MissMalini logo) on it. I got to make the face wash myself!

How you ask? Well that was a special treat courtesy the Swiss Tempelle folks who gave us a guided tour of their Mibelle Lab & Production Facility in Buchs where all the magic happens!
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About to get my science on! Watch my workshop LIVE with #SwissTempelle in beautiful Switzerland! #GetSwissed #inLOVEwithSWITZERLAND Switzerland. get natural.
由 MissMalini 发布于 2017年6月23日
3. Isn’t Life Suite?
Well mine certainly is! Oh hello Park Hyatt Zurich, how did you know the way to my heart? #sugarbuzz
And I do believe they gave me the same suite they gave Ranveer Singh!
He’s the Switzerland Tourism’s brand ambassador in case you hadn’t noticed. (I mean he doesn’t just jump out of planes for anyone you know!)
The food at the Park Hyatt was also as delicious as it looks FYI.
4. Swan Lake.
While Gstaad may be full of mountains and fields of flowers that make you want to run through them waving a pink dupatta, Zurich has gorgeous architecture and waterfront bars and cafes. These charming places spread far and wide across Zurich’s huge waterfront. Beautifully situated on Lake Zurich with the Limmat River running through it.

You’re almost guaranteed to spot a game of swans.
Aside: That’s right, I Googled that. Its what you call a bunch of swans together and if they’re in the air you call them “a wedge of swans”. See, you learn something new everyday! A a raft (or bunch or paddling) of ducks on water aren’t far behind. (Haha, the only one you knew was gaggle of geese, am I right?
And I highly recommend a trip to Lindenhof for a gorgeous view of the entire city. #PhotoOpp
We visited the “Barfuss-Bar” as well which during the day, is a swimming pool reserved only for women (hence a lot of toplessness ensues and we couldn’t take many pictures) and at night turns into a co-ed bar. But you must enter barefoot, hence “barfuss”. Its located at Frauenbadi on the river Limmat along Stadthausquai St. (Good look saying that out loud!) #GoogleMapsZindabad

5. Bloggerina Bonding!
I had a lovely tea at Baur Au Lac with a popular blogger from Zurich who goes by the name @heyprettybeautyblog. She was effervescent and fun and gave me lots of Swiss beauty goodies to try! And of course we Boomeranged!
6. Chocolat.
On our last day there Switzerland Toursim took us for a chocolate tasting at Max Chocolatier. The genesis is quite a sweet story;
Each chocolate is stamped with a signature ‘X’, to represent Max, the son of owner Patrick König. Max, who has Down’s Syndrome, is an avid fan of chocolate and the inspiration behind the business.
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Chocolate ? tasting going down! Switzerland. get natural. #inLOVEwithSWITZERLAND #VisitZurich #GetSwissed #BackToNature #SwissTempelleMax Chocolatier for the win!!!
由 MissMalini 发布于 2017年6月24日
7. Food & Nightlife.
The first night we did the European thing and ate Sushi on the cobblestone streets. We visited Barfusser in NeiderdorfIt and the experience was superb!

Our waiter was also an incredible character who spends his life travelling around the world being a mixed bag of cultures himself. I wish I’d taken a picture he was so cute and you might even see him in Goa in October!
Now usually I’m not much of a foodie but you had my at truffle fries! We had lunch at Fischers Fritz, again a lovely restaurant on the waterside where you can paddle boat and stuff too. However we went with the “get stuffed” option and just enjoyed the local wine and fresh fish dishes.
At night we ate at an interesting restaurant called Zeughauskeller – which claims to have existed since 1487, even before Columbus discovered America!
The name “Zeughaus” means “arsenal storehouse” and I can vouch for that part, because we saw some old cannons and crossbows up as deceration. And if you’re thinking how did I satiate my craving for vintage labels and highstreet shopping. Then lucky for me I had the chance to check out Bahnhofstrasse (regarded as the most exclusive shopping destinations in the world) and Altstadt (old town), a hotspot for trendy nick nacks.
Bar-wise we checked out the risqué cocktail menu at The Rooftop bar (cleverly named “The Rooftop” lol).
In my defence, when a drink is pink I must have it!
And the clubs we ventured out to were filled with unique visual surprises! Plus some waitresses from the future serving cheese & fruit platters. (Interesting choice eh? I mean the food not the waitresses!)
The same waitresses later turned into the main act!
So there you have it, its a wrap on my spectacular Swiss adventure! But I would definitely like to go back and this time remind myself to look up and soak in the scenery and spend less time like this! #OccupationalHazard
But I do it so I can take you with me, so I don’t mind so much 🙂 Till my next adventure, this is your #DeskGirlTraveler checking out! xoxo
*This blog is in partnership with Switzerland Tourism & Swiss Tempelle.