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This Young Entrepeneur Started His Own Company Before Turning 18

This Young Entrepeneur Started His Own Company Before Turning 18

Sanaa Shah

Kabir Samlal was introduced to yoga at the tender age of 5. Little did anyone know that this kid would be the youth ambassador of USA Yoga. And soon he would create an institute to promote yoga and healthy living.

 Kabir Samlal
Kabir Samlal

He was born in Rotterdam, lived momentarily in Asia and at present is in Houston where he attends the Awty International School. While he is a student in school, he also teaches kids and families, yoga on the weekends. Through yoga, he has aided the welfare of many children who were victimised by the refugee crisis since 2014.

Kabir Samlal

To help these war kids, this 16-year-old will be teaching traditional hatha yoga at four different locations in the Netherlands on July 8 and 9 this year. He will be teaching yoga to all students of all age group and yogis at different levels. The best part is that all the proceeds from these sessions will go to the War Child.

Join Kabir for a yoga weekend for War Child on July 8 and 9 in Netherlands and do your bit for in helping children who were victims of War.