Ever wonder how it would feel to get treated like a royal by the world’s oldest and oh-so-luxurious barbershop? That’s right, this Women’s Day, us ladies have to wonder no more! Because Truefitt & Hill will let women enter ‘the men’s only’ zone as they celebrate Women’s Day. The ladies get to pick from their finest range of hand and foot massages or opt for their signature royal manicure and/or pedicure. You also can try their latest addition from their kitty–The peel off mask service!

Truefitt & Hill | Celebrating Women’s Day

Truefitt & Hill | Celebrating Women’s Day

Truefitt & Hill | Celebrating Women’s Day
If this doesn’t make a woman feel like a Queen, we don’t know what will! Team MissMalini has already booked the appointments and we can’t wait to have an all-girls spa day. See you there!
Psst! For men looking to treat their special lady, we suggest you get on the phone and book this majestic experience.