Shah Rukh Khan has a close association with Nanavati Hospital. His son, Abram was kept there for a couple of weeks, and he often visits the hospital for all his ailments. The superstar, yesterday, launched two new centres at the hospital – The Bone Marrow Transplant Centre and The Birthing Centre. The managing director and chairman of the hospital, Abhay Soi, was all smiles to be associated with SRK again, and present at the launch was all of Soi’s family.
Speaking at the event, Khan stated,
My association started with Mr. Abhay Soi and the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital and Dr. Ali as a patient doctor. My sister has been here, and so has my wife, especially during the birth of my third son, AbRam Khan. In fact AbRam was rushed here and looked after with utmost care and love, even before we could meet him so it indeed is a strange cycle. They also have a special children’s ward here, named after my mother, which is something they did on their own. My child was genuinely saved in this hospital and for that, I am grateful to them.” Speaking on the birthing centre. This is the state of art birthing centre and Bone Marrow Transplant Centre dedicated to a specialised form of care that is the need of the hour. I feel in today’s time, we all, especially the youth take our health for granted. All of you are running around and do not take time out for yourself. Go for yearly check ups at least. I think somewhere we people have not got the culture of doing yearly check ups. Put yourself in the hands of good doctors and it is amazing to know that our city has places like Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, they will look after you. Centres like the Bone Marrow Transplant and Birthing one here are sure to help millions of people across the country.
Abhay Soi also added,
It is such an amazing feeling to have a huge super star like Mr. Khan inaugurate our two new centres. We have a long association with him and his sister, wife and son have been under our care. We are truly grateful to him for taking time out of his busy schedule for us today.How wonderful! Here are more pictures.
Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan
Shah Rukh Khan