With the anticipation of every new movie Anushka Sharma‘s set to release, there’s been an on-set excitement for her promo outfits. This time around for her Phillauri, Anushka’s been looking SO good that we don’t know what genre to call her style! Styled by Allia Al Rufai, Sharma’s latest OOTDs have included 3 things; bold colours, a perfect balance of high-fashion and high street, and us wanting to buy everything she’s wears!
Yesterday for her round of promotions, she wore a sport but fashionable outfit. Yellow culottes with black and white panelled side detailing paired with a monochrome top that includes specs of gold really hit all the right fashion spots. She completed the looks with white sneakers.
The previous day Anushka dressed in the perfect all white ensemble. A deconstructed shirting with asymmetric hemlines by Vizyon made for a perfect summer look…
See what we mean? #WINNING the style game like a boss!