Shilpa Shetty recently launched her online fitness channel and spoke about health and weight issues at length during the event. When asked about all the attention that Kareena Kapoor has been receiving post her pregnancy, Shilpa said:
“As an actress, I can understand the emotion and pressure on her, especially when she is the synonym of a fit body. I had the same pressure when I became a mother. I didn’t get out of the house for five months. After my delivery, I went with my husband for brunch and I heard some ladies were laughing and talking about my weight. It was very daunting.”
She also added:
“Even if we overate during the pregnancy, what’s the big deal. Losing weight is the easiest thing to do if you are focused.”
Recently, Kareena Kapoor went live with her dietitian Rujuta Diwekar to talk about her post-pregnancy weight loss. You can watch the video here.