Salman Khan and Ajay Devgn have been close friends for a long time now. They’ve worked together on multiple films and Salman even made a special appearance in Ajay’s Son Of Sardar. But it looks like Bollywood friendships are slowly crumbling down. After KJo & Kajol, Sallu & Ajay might just have a fallout.
Turns out Ajay has been working on his most ambitious project till date – Sons of Sardaar: The Battle Of Saraagarhi, which a movie based on the 1897 battle between 21 Sikhs and 10,000 Afghans. He has reportedly spent a lot of time in prep and research as he wants to get every aspect of the film right, given it’s going to cost a fortune to make it. Interestingly, Salman and Karan Johar also announced a similar venture that will be based on the same battle.
According to a report in DNA, Ajay was shocked when he found out about the news and was really upset that such a close friend of his would do this to him. This led to the actor shooting out an emotional message to Sallu. A close friend of the actor told them “Knowing Salman, he might not have known of Ajay’s film. He will never do anything to hurt a friend.”
We’ll have to wait and see how this unfolds and hope that another friendship doesn’t take the beating.