The actor who plays Lakshman in Siya Ke Ram, Karan Suchak has a rather interesting love story. The actor had fallen in love with his wife Nandita over a phone call.
“We spoke to each other for the first time on the phone — that too, only for professional reasons. We got along well right from the first conversation.”

“In our case, it was love over the phone! We kept having long conversations for about three months before we met. We knew what we felt for each other right from the start, we just had to express it.”

“I was into celebrity marketing before. I got in touch with him for an assignment. I guess we were meant to be together.”

“We fell in love without even meeting each other! It was only later that we realised that it’s high time we meet in person. When we finally met, we were already in love.”
Sweet, na?