3AM on weekends is such a popular time, isn’t it? People are returning home from clubs, people are going to after parties, people are deciding on a place to eat and some people are trying to ‘close the deal’ on finding someone to hook up with. 3AM is, by far, the most interesting time in a metropolitan city. However, thanks to our obsession with texting, if you are at home, it can surely be an annoying time as well. Here are texts that we are all extremely familiar with and hate receiving at 3 AM.
“We need to talk.”
Really? Firstly, this is by far the worst thing you can say to someone. There is never a correct time to say this because what follows is never good. Considering the fact that everyone knows this, why would you give me a panic attack at 3AM? Can’t you wait till the morning before you dump unpleasant information on me that will probably not allow me to go back to sleep?

“Are u awake”
This text is annoying because if you answer, you know the person is going to call you. Perhaps your friend had a terrible night and needs to discuss something. If you truly care, of course you will answer… however, couldn’t you come up with something else to say? If you know I am at home and haven’t attended one of the amazing events this city has to offer every weekend, then obviously I am not awake at 3AM!

“Where are you, want to meet up?”
In the words of Drake, “I know when that hot line bling, that can only mean one thing.” If you are asking me at 3AM to meet up with you, then you are blatantly also asking me to hook up with you. We hate receiving this text because of its pure transparency. At least meet up with the person earlier if that is the relationship you share. What makes you think they are going to drop everything so early in the morning and come meet you?

“Do you know where ‘so- and –so’ is?”
This ‘so -and -so’ is probably the life of the party and also the person known to start the after party as they never leave home without their party favours. People hate receiving this text because not only do we not know where this person you are looking for is, but we are then going to be blatantly lied to, post this text, about why you are looking for them. FYI- It is completely obvious why you are looking for them and if they are not picking up your calls, why do you think they are going to pick up mine?

“I am never drinking again.”
Ah; we have to admire this one. This one is special because one of your friends has gone and done something incredibly moronic and you are going to hear about it tomorrow. The reason this one is annoying is because now you have woken me up, raised my curiosity and not answered after that. I know I am going to hear about it tomorrow and probably for the next week, but you could have messaged me and told me what happened. Saying you’re never drinking again is really just letting me know something ridiculous has happened but it is not a statement you are ever going to truly live by.

So now that we have summed up texts that we hate receiving at this hour in the morning, let’s try to collectively not send them! This way, some of us can sleep better or truly be able to enjoy our night out, without having to receive random WhatsApps early in the morning. If it is important, pick up the phone and call someone.
Lastly, I must add, chill out with the emojis. Random emojis are truly irritating – at any time of the day!
Text wisely ☺
(Emojis allowed post ranting)
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