Shah Rukh Khan‘s recent poem on women empowerment Fight Like A Girl inspired by Zayn Malik made me fall in love with him all over again. And his recent look in a three-piece suit only made it worse. How he still manages to look THIS good is beyond our comprehension. He was recently in Munich for the launch of Zee One and celebrity stylist Shaleena Nathani styled him in a classic pinstriped three-piece suit paired with a black tie and a printed pocket square. Wearing retro, round sunnies, his hair was styled the way it has been for years – slicked back. The Bollywood Baadshah seems to always be wooing us, not just with his timeless movies, and perfectly quoted life lessons, but also with his impeccable sense of dressing.
We love him and everything about him. Let me know what you guys think of SRK’s style in the comments below.