Diana Penty made her Bollywood debut back in 2012 with Cocktail, and garnered a lot of attention. The young actress managed to hold her own even alongside seasoned actors like Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone, and all eyes were on her to see what she did next. However, the actress took a long break – but she is now back for Happy Bhag Jayegi, where she plays the titular role.
Take a look at a still featuring her:
Here’s a note about her character:
Born to just another regular, normal, ordinary Amritsari family, Harpreet Kaur aka Happy is meant for things that are irregular, abnormal and extra-ordinary.
Fire-brand, self-dependent and sharp-tongued, Happy is never to be misconstrued on the basis of her innocent nick-name Happy! In life’s worst crises, she finds her own solutions, most of which are irrational and driven by emotions but they look perfectly logical to her.
The film is set to release on August 19th.
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