Sayani Gupta is fast-becoming one of my favourite young fashionistas in Bollywood right now. Her cool girl style is something I’m totally on board with and pretty much everything she’s seen wearing has become an instant favourite of mine. This Swati Vijaivargie outfit that stylist Shreeja Rajgopal chose is the perfect mix of white, print and colour. Also, you guys know by now that I’m a sucker for stripes, so the bold stripes were nice to see. Swati added another touch of summer’s favourite colour with the addition of brogues from Forever 21.
All in all, this was one successful look in my opinion. Here are some other winners:

Sayani Gupta

Sayani Gupta in Payal Khandwala

Sayani Gupta in Payal Khandwala. (source: @sayanigupta on Instagram)

Sayani Gupta
Her style can only be describe as casual chic and its completely up my alley because I just love to be able to comfortable while still being on point with my style. I’m just not one of those people that believes in sacrificing comfort for the sake of style. What do you guys think?