Though former flames Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor had parted ways on a bitter note, they buried the hatchet over the years. While Bebo is happily married to Saif Ali Khan, Sasha is also cherishing his journey towards parenthood with his wifey Mira Rajput. Both of them are quite content with their proffessional as well as personal lives at the moment and are going to be seen in the same movie (Udta Punjab) after many years.
At a recently held promotional event of the film, reportedly, a super excited Shahid was overheard encouraging his co-stars to “go all-out and fly high doing various stuff to promote the film”. And apparently, that’s when Bebo quipped, “Oh you are one to talk Shahid! You don’t drink or smoke so how can you fly high?” LOL.
A while ago, we had told you how Mr. Kapoor is a teetotaler and a non-smoker and therefore, used to guzzle a lot of coffee to stay high during the shoot of some scenes in Udta Punjab.