Recently, Sidharth Malhotra defended Alia Bhatt on Twitter when Kamaal R Khan – known for passing lewd, unnecessary comments on social media – posted a tweet about Alia looking “so Bacchi in panty.” The actor lashed out at KRK, and there was a brief spat between the two on Twitter.
When asked about the incident, Sidharth revealed that it ran much deeper than the Twitter conversation. He said it was a “build up” of many things and that KRK used to WhatsApp him morphed photos of girls. Sidharth, however, said that KRK later apologised and they sorted things out – but he doesn’t believe it’s right for someone to get so personal and pass cheap remarks.
As for Alia, she said that Sid coming to her defense was unexpected but sweet, and she personally doesn’t pay any attention to KRK.