Sanjay Dutt returns home today from jail, and he’s definitely got a packed schedule upon his release (take a look at his entire day’s plan here). But in the meantime, preparations are on in full swing to make his return home a happy one. His daughter is counting down to his release (in the coolest way) and we hear his family is planning on cooking some of his favourite foods.
And outside his home, this is happening:

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home

Outside Sanjay Dutt’s home
And beyond his home, Noor Mohammadi Hotel – which makes the dish Chicken Sanju Baba, made using Dutt’s personal recipe that he gave them some time ago – is celebrating his release by serving it free to people who walk in. Here’s the address, in case you want to celebrate too: Noor Mohammadi Hotel, I.R Road, Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai 400003
Pix: Viral Bhayani for MissMalini