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Sunil Grover Has The Most Kickass Response To The Kiku Sharda – Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Controversy!

Sunil Grover Has The Most Kickass Response To The Kiku Sharda – Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Controversy!

Shreemi Verma
Guthi and Palak
Guthi and Palak

Kiku Sharda getting arrested for mimicking self-proclaimed Godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has outraged the entire nation. Celebrities all over are voicing their support for Kiku (at least on social media). Many people can’t believe that a man whose favourite thing to do is make vanity projects like MSG can put a person in jail for making fun of him. Summing up all of this in one hilarious tweet is Kiku’s co-star from Comedy Nights With Kapil, Sunil Grover, who everyone knows as Gutthi. Check out what has to say –
