Getting married is such an important decision in your life and the proposal is something that goes down in history. I mean, let’s face it – the proposal story is something you’re expected to tell over and over even years after you get married. So you obviously have to pay extra attention to the first step of your journey together, no? For some strange reason, the onus of popping the question somehow is on the guy’s shoulders. But hey, things are changing and how; so yay!

Whoever proposes, I feel like there’s a list of questions one needs to ask oneself before popping the big question. So well, I made a list (you can thank me later :P)
Q1 Do I trust her?

I mean, really trust. We know trust is the basis of any healthy relationship.
Q2 Does she make me feel better about myself?

Why would you be with someone when you don’t feel special around them?
Q3 Do I like being around her even when we aren’t doing anything?

It’s essential that the both of you know how to be around each other in silence and inactivity. You can find hundreds of people to go out for party nights, but what you need is someone who is okay reading a book near you while you read yours.
Q4 Do I prefer spending time with anyone else over her?

Don’t get me wrong – your life shouldn’t revolve her. However, if she isn’t your hangout preference 9 out of 10 times, maybe you aren’t ready to spend the rest of your lives together yet.
Q5 Do my friends like her?

You know this is essential. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your friends are an important part of your life, just like her. And if unfortunately the two parts don’t get along, you need to find a way that they do.
Q6 Do I believe in the institution of marriage?

Don’t get married for your parents. Don’t get married for the society. Don’t even get married because you love her. Get married because you believe in the institution. Because if you don’t, you’ll be entering an arrangement that you don’t think you fit in. And we all know how that ends.
Abhi is proposing to Ananya on this week’s episode of Love Bytes. We hope he’s asked himself these question. Will she yes? Guess we’ll have to find out!
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