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10 Thoughts We All Have While Watching A Romantic Comedy That Won’t Budge!

10 Thoughts We All Have While Watching A Romantic Comedy That Won’t Budge!

Aayushi Bhargava
Source: Tumblr

Most of us love watching romantic comedies. There’s love and there’s laughter – what else do we need from life, right? But there is always this range of emotions that we know we will go through when we sit down to watch it. And still we like to put ourselves through it because it’s a beautiful world out there – a world where there is a cute guy, cuter gestures and just the perfect timing for everything.

Here are 10 thoughts that most of us have had at one point or another while watching a romantic comedy.

1) Wow, he looks at her like she’s the best thing!

Source: Tumblr

2) Damn right! Someone like this!

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3) What if my life was a movie?

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4) Yes, this one!

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5) In my movie, when everything went wrong…

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6) I’d meet my Mr. Right!

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7) Wonder whose idea of perfect I am…

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8) I don’t need a man because I’m lonely, right?

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9) Can someone like ask me out already?

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10) Gosh, I’m so alone!

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Yes, by the time the movie is over, you are sometimes left with a feeling of loneliness. It’s almost like you are suffering from ‘Loneria’. There is something missing. We feel like, maybe we do need someone in our lives. Solution? Perhaps, go out, make plans; and if socialising is not your forte, how about try a boy-browsing app like Truly Madly to beat your ‘Loneria’? Find a match for yourself based on your preferences.

This post is in partnership with Truly Madly.