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10 Things I Learnt About Love In 2015

10 Things I Learnt About Love In 2015

Sheefa Gilani
No Strings Attached (Source: www.giphy.com)

It’s 23:38 in London and I’m dunked under a mountain full of cushy blankeys. 9° outside and my nose has decided to be the rare cause of my almost death tonight. I’m a sinus inmate and if you are too, you would probably know how it feels. But times like this always get me reflecting. So while aimlessly staring at the contains of my not-so-yummy chicken soup, I decided to list down my ten love lessons of the year.

In December 2014, I ended my love note attempting to love harder this year and so I did. I grieved hard but I loved harder. The most imperfect thing about me is that I’m shamelessly, unapologetically myself and still believe that everyone around me is a miracle. I’m a dreamer and a lover. I’m damaged, full of flaws and have the heart of a hippie. But people tell me they love me for it.

No Strings Attached (Source: www.tumblr.com)

1. It’s okay to be hurt!

Trust me, you’re beautiful. Not everyone will love you the way you want them to, but it’s okay. Be hurt if you need to be, because you – and the world – can take it.

Gossip Girl (Source: www.giphy.com)

2. The only person who can save you is you.

“Perhaps the heart is the size of a fist because we were built to fight what we love.”

But not every home has a heartbeat and it’s okay to let go.

Source: www.tumblr.com

3. Once a year go someplace.

This year, I packed my bags, gave up an almost perfect job, walked out of my comfort zone and landed in my favourite city in the world to do what I love the most. Make memories. Because when you do, you find yourself – and that’s the best kind of love there is.

London (Source: www.visitlondon.com)

4.The rare truth about long distance relationships

“The more time and distance you put between us, the larger you grow in my heart.”

I have often heard people say that long distance relationships don’t work. I talk with experience as I have been there. I’ve been that girl that gets cheated on. But this year, I stumbled upon a couple who has been in it to win it. Six years, three meetings; one love that binds the two together. This ten-year long relationship, Ahmedabad-London, has made this Sindhi-Gujju couple my favourite love story of the year.

Anjani Nanda and Parth Lakhisarani (Source: www.facebook.com/anjani.nanda)

5. True love is just around the corner. It’s worth the wait!

One day you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. This year’s most important lesson is learned from one of my best friends in the world, Devanshi Kapadia, and her better half, Krishna Ishwaran. I heart y’all <3

6. Take Chances!

“I desire very little, but the things I do consume me.”

Team MissMalini‘s Swagata Dam, who’s also probably the only person in the world to have checked their bucket list at the age of 24, decided to quit searching for her true love and just live life to the fullest. Now, her business card reads – The Wanderer. Like they say, there are no half measures in love. All or nothing!

7. You deserve better!

Earlier this year, I also saw my closest friends end their relationship.

“ I can’t make any promises,” he had said. She knew she deserved someone who could give her something permanent.

She found someone who would choose 5 minutes with her over a lifetime with someone else.

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris (www.instagram.com/billboard)

8. Everyone you meet has a part to play in your story.

There are over seven billion people on this Earth and not everyone is meant to stay until “The End.” Even friends. But they are all important in some way, and you learn from everyone along the way.

Gossip Girl (Source:www.gighy.com)

9. Crazy, Stupid, Love.

My fave movie of all times. Remember when Cal says, “I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one…you never give up.” I believe it! Never give up. This is for you and your crazy, #sistergirl Natasha Patel. Trust me, that homie of yours is never gonna give up on that leather coated @$$ ?

Source: giphy

10. We don’t pick who we fall in love with and it never happens like it should.

I have loved recklessly before and I have even run back into it trying to save the things I loved, because I thought that would be it. But you don’t get to decide who you’ll fall in love with. You just eventually find them. The one that saves you.

He drives me crazy, ruins my day and saves it at the last minute. He is out of his mind and I hate his guts at times. But, guess what? He’s always going to be the one to make my world go round.

“Marry a man who loves you more than you love him”, they said.

Am I right, Rashmi Daryanani?
Guess time will tell.

At the end of this year’s love note, I’d like to say only one thing:
Learn to love someone more than your own skin. Remember, when you forgive, you heal. And when you let go, you grow. Give love a second chance and spend your life doing strange things with weird people. Sometimes, you get lucky and find a soul that grooves with you.

Did I make you smile? Say cheese, because I’m looking right at you! No kidding, See?!

Fall in love, please <3

Love and Light