Okay, so I’m not going to be talking about Kim Kardashian West here because we’ve already established a 1000 times over how she’s popularized contouring in the beauty world, but no really… contouring is something that’s been around for ages. It’s been here since makeup was popularized through cinema in the first place. Oh, and in case you want a little beauty lesson on the history of makeup, check this out. But I digress, the point here is contouring as a part of your makeup routine. It’s definitely not something I do on a daily basis despite being a beauty blogger. But, I do have my date nights or special days where I want to feel sexy. Contouring can give an illusion of a fuller, yet chiseled face, and flawless skin. Unfortunately, we see far too many people blotching what can be a life-changing technique, on a regular basis. If you want to perfect the contour, make sure you’re avoiding 5 of these mistakes.
1) Too Much Foundation

This is a no-no in general, but when you add powder or cream contours to the mix, your face looks way to cakey and makes the product harder to blend. You want the highlights and hollows to look like they’re coming from within or are just a part of your face, like Chrissy Tiegen‘s!
2) Blending

We learned this at the Bobbi Brown Masterclass: Blend, Blend, Blend. Blend is your friend! A angled, slightly fluffy brush works will to get your contour in the right place as well as blend it.
3) Don’t Use A Shimmery Bronzer

…Unless you want to look like a disco ball. Shimmer bronzers are used to accentuate blush or highlights, not in the contours of your cheeks or anything that’s supposed to create the illusion of a shadow. Make sure your contour color is matte.
4) Don’t Go Too Dark With Your Contour

On the sides of your nose or right below your jawline is where you can go slightly darker, but for the rest keep it only 2 shades darker than your skin tone. Kylie Jenner, that youngin’, still has to master the contour as flawlessly as the older Kardashian sisters have aced it.
4) Use A Fan Brush For Powder Highlighter

Once you’ve set your 2 shades lighter concealer under your eyes and wherever else you want to highlight, using a concealer brush and sponge, it’s time to finish the look with powder and the slightest bit of shimmer. Use a fan brush to apply the slightest bit of shimmer powder to the highest part of your cheekbones.
Get these simple rules down and you’re good to get contouring & highlighting!