It’s been a while since I’ve obsessed over essential oils and natural oils. ICYMI: I’ve counted down multiple uses of coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil, and lavender oil. I’ve also mentioned that essential oils aren’t always the solution to everything and natural doesn’t necessarily mean better. Having said that, essential oils do solve a lot of life’s problems but be sure you test the oils on small areas before going all out. Step 2: Make sure the oil you’re using is pure enough, but that being said, essential oils are safer with some degree of dilution. Completely pure oils and their medicinal qualities may irritate the skin or body, especially for children. They come diluted with either water, alcohol, or a carrier oil like a vegetable oil or even coconut oil. Coconut oil is just everything, but back to the subject at hand. You may dilute it yourself at home with water, but make sure you do your research before buying or diluting pure essential oils. Moving along swiftly, here are 7 awesome uses of rosemary oil.
1) On Your Vag

Yup, I’m talking about down there… your v, your vjaj, whatever people call it these days. Test it on the outside first, but rosemary oil cures a series of infections to this sensitive area. Essential oils are a great alternative to pharmacy products as antiseptics too.
2) Your Scalp – For Hair Growth

You can gently apply rosemary oil to your scalp or bald spots for a slight increase in hair growth. It will also help soothe a dry scalp, as well as slowing the growth of grey hairs.
3) Muscle Pain

If it’s pure rosemary oil, mix it with a tsp of carrier oil (coconut, or olive oil), and 2 drops of peppermint oil to rub over aching muscles.
4) Wrinkles & Aging Skin

Apply diluted rosemary oil to wrinkled areas or massage it into your skin to reap its anti-aging benefits.
5) Astringent

Apply a small amount on a cotton ball and apply all over your face. Follow this up with your daily moisturizing routine.
6) Mouth Wash

Mix a few tsp with a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.
7) Your Pits

Take a cotton ball and add a little apple cider vinegar and rosemary oil. Rub this on your armpits… I swear this is an amazing deodorant.
If you know any other uses of the oil, let us know in the comments below!
Warning: If you’re pregnant, you might want to check with your doctor before using certain essential oils.