Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan are hands down the IT couple of Bollywood, that’s why when I saw these vintage pictures of the two on Twitter I went all aww! Now, because October is a special month for the two (Gauri’s birthday and their anniversary), check out the cutest pictures of the iconic couple.
1) Look at them hugging so snugly.
2) They’re so cute.
3) And so hot!
4) Never knew that they were a part of a music video!
Music by A R Rahman no less.
5) Look at dem shades.
6) Seriously, the cuteness is overflowing.
7) Yashji looks so happy with them
8) So does this pup whose basking in their shiny glow
9) Move over Kajol, Shah Rukh has the hottest chemistry with his wife!
10) *Fans herself*
11) Look at them staring at the universe to find another planet to rule (Earth has been too easy for these two)
12) Fifty Shades of Khan!
13) She’s fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor
14) They’re sexy and they know it
15) *Dying*
Aren’t they perfect?