Karan Johar announced Dharma Productions’ upcoming film by Gauri Shinde (yay!) with Alia Bhatt and Shah Rukh Khan in the lead. However, KJo received a lot of flak on Twitter after the announcement. Everyone made comments about the glaring age gap between the duo, and we know, Twiterrati isn’t easy to forgive!
However, when I heard the news, a little part of me wanted to have faith in Gauri (because English Vinglish) and believe that she’d not put a 22 year old opposite a 50 year old, unless it’s an unconventional love story. And now, we know the reason.
We hear that they aren’t opposite each other and the film tells the story of a girl who falls in love with three different people at three different times in her life and how that experience shapes her.
Do you think it was fair that KJo received the flak that he did?