Though it has been quite a few months since Arpita Khan tied the knot with Aayush Sharma, the couple’s honeymoon period is still very much on! The duo go on vacations quite often and currently, they are chilling in Europe. From Italy to Barcelona – the lovebirds have been travelling across several gorgeous places lately. Here’s a photo diary of the two having a blast during their Euro trip!
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Source: @ArpitaKhan Instagram |
Well, looks like they are having the time of their lives!