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Comedian Aditi Mittal’s Epic Rant On Fairness Creams Is Something You Should Definitely Read!

Comedian Aditi Mittal’s Epic Rant On Fairness Creams Is Something You Should Definitely Read!

Shreemi Verma
Aditi Mittal
Aditi Mittal

The great Aditi Mittal is someone whose tweets I really love to read. She’s smart, she’s sassy and she makes so much sense! Be it as her characters she often portrays in her stand-up comedy gigs- Dr. Lutchuke and Dolly Khurana or as the funniest ‘roaster‘ at the AIB Knockout, Mittal is an inspiration for girls across India. That’s why when she tweeted about her displeasure with fairness products and the harmful idea of ‘beauty’ such products like to promote, I had to write about it. Trust me, you’ll thank me for this!

Here’s how it started.

And of course, she came up with brilliant ideas to hammer the importance of fairness into fetuses, because why not?

And mother’s milk.

She shared why this whole thing irked her so much.

And that lead to more brilliant ideas.

Remember ‘ayurvedic ingredients’ like ‘kumkumaditaylam’ (wut?) these creams claimed to have, in order to sound like legit stuff made by our sages?

Because obviously, while writing the Vedas and penning down epics like Ramayan and Mahabharat, these guys decided to make fairness creams.

And finally, she gave this nugget of information every person who applies fairness products should know.

*Bows to Aditi*

*Writes her fan mail*