We all know how hot Ryan Reynolds is, I mean girrrrrl look at that body! But he’s also one of the funniest men in this world. No, I’m not exagerrating, this man is every red-blooded person’s dream come true (depending upon your gender and sexual orientation. Obviously). Check out 12 of his funniest tweets and you’ll surely agree with me. Also, Blake Lively, I never thought I’d be more jealous of you, but you have managed to do that… again!
Firstly, check out his Twitter bio.
1) When he opened up about his ‘craft’
2) And about his love life
3) When he regretted not taking Channing Tatum’s t-shirt advice seriously,
4) And spoke about his ‘non-obsession’ with Zayn Malik.
5) When he showed a little too much love for his wife’s career defining show
6) Don’t worry Ryan, your lingo is ‘on fleek’!
7) Look at him, politely declining this lady’s offer.
FYI, he’s married to Blake Lively, she looks like this.
8) When he won father of the year.
9) And gave us this beautiful mental image.
10) When he won the Internet.
12) But last and not the least, when he explained the difference between him and Ryan Gosling, only in the way he could.
Never change Reynolds, never change.