As promised, the blog is finally here. This #DesiGirlTraveler is back from her super long European holiday… actually I’ve been here for a while now, but between all the fun shoots we have coming up, I’ve just about come around to actually blogging my summer vacay. So, first things first: how did I pack for the 3-week getaway to Paris, Marseille, Rome, and Bangkok? Here’s exactly how.
1) Lists, Lists, Lists

And I’m not talking about a mental note. Make an actual list of everything you need with you on your trip, including the book you want to read and your personal planner (like my #WhoRunTheWorld diary & Dr. Jamuna Pai‘s book on skincare, No One Has To Know). Once I’ve made a list of how many pairs of clothes I need, I start making multi-tasking pairs.
2) Pairing Outfits

I take pictures of every outfit combination I make and try to include things like jewelry and accessories. Try pairing every bottom with two-to-three tops, turning it into a multi-tasking piece of clothing.
3) How To Organize The Stuff

I usually use a soft cover bag, so I have some leeway with stuffing in more without de-shaping the bag. I put my lingerie in a net bag that I put all the way at the bottom, as it folds easily. No, I’m not showing you a picture of that. #kaythanks
I also stack bottoms together and tops together on one side. I stack dressed on top of my lingerie bag . And on the very top, I add shoes, toiletries, and accessories.
4) Vanity

I separate makeup from dental care and daily skincare into 3 separate pouches. I’ve collected a bunch of cute vanity cases over the years and love using them during my travels. I put these on top of my clothes, as I can easily push the clothes down a little if I need more space.
5) Accessories

Unless I’m packing long chains (I pack long chains/necklaces in zip loc bags just by leaving a small end of the necklace out of the the zip loc bag, airtight the rest of the bag making sure the part that’s been deliberately left out doesn’t fall in), I often put jewelry into clutches, which I then pack inside larger totes or bags.
6) Shoes

I save old shoe bags that I’ve previously purchased shoes in and re-use them to pack my shoes. I put these right on top after I’ve packed accessories and my vanity. I wind up cords and slip chargers into whatever small cracks or spaces are left.
7) Last, But Never Least

I keep new stuff (lots of new stuff I buy along the trip) in a separate bag. It’s folded and adjusts neatly onto my pile of old clothes, but a cloth bag around it allows me to differentiate it from the rest of my packing.
So, how do you pack? And are you going to try any of these tips soon?
Pix: Shikhar Kapadia For MissMalini