Best remembered for his performance as Jamal‘s elder brother Salim K. Malik in the Hollywood blockbuster, Slumdog Millionare, actor Madhur Mittal recently met with a horrifying accident. The car crash happened this month in Dahisar, Mumbai and left him seriously injured. Reportedly, he was driving the car and rammed into a stationary truck while overtaking it. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. The youngster was unconscious for 10 days and had to be in the ICU for a long time. He also had to undergo several operations to fix his broken jaw, teeth, arm and other injures.
In a recent interview to Times Of India, Madhur shared:
God has given me a second life. It was a narrow escape. I want to send out a message to the youth to wear seat belts, come what may. It could have saved me from what I went through. 70% of my face has been damaged but the swelling will eventually reduce. I am not allowed to talk much either. Hopefully, I shall be fine by November, as I need to attend a workshop and a film festival in Mexico.
Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery, Madhur!