We’ve known for a while now that Karan Johar and Rohit Shetty have joined hands to recreate the iconic Ram Lakhan, which released in 1989. There have been rumours doing the rounds about which actors would be cast in the film – we’ve heard Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh, and more recently strong rumours began doing the rounds that Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan would be cast in it. So while things seem to be shaping up for the 2016 film, there’s one person who seems rather skeptical about it – and that’s none other than Anil Kapoor, who starred in the original film!
When asked about his thoughts on the remake, the actor said:
I think remaking “Ram Lakhan” is more of business proposition than creative. But I think Rohit Shetty and Karan Johar will do their best.
Ouch! He was even asked what he thought about Arjun Kapoor playing this role, to which he said, “I don’t know. I think it depends on filmmakers. There are certain filmmakers who are casting actors more for the excitement of first look than getting the perfect cast for a bigger picture.”
Sounds like someone’s throwing shade!
Do you agree with him?