It’s pretty much an open secret that Varun Dhawan is in a relationship with longtime girlfriend Natasha Dalal, who he’s been seeing since before he made his film debut. The two have been spotted out-and-about together as well, but the actor prefers to remain mum on the subject of his relationship when asked about it in the media. However, in a recent interview to DNA, the actor opened up to acknowledge that he’s not “hiding” the relationship per se – but at the same time, he feels no need to discuss it. Here’s what he said:
I had decided much before I entered the industry, that I would not talk about my personal life.
He also admitted that the media and actors go hand-in-hand and both of them need the other, and while it’s interesting to read gossip, most people know that constant link-up stories are an attempt to stay in the news.
They know what’s rubbish and they know what’s true. If every week an actor is getting linked with a new actress, they will also know that this is being done to stay in the news. People are interested in what work you are doing. If you are doing a bad job, people want to know about your personal life because there is no work to be interested in.
What a sorted answer from someone who’s only a few films old! And the good news is, Varun’s work is speaking for him – the actor recently scored his fifth success in a row. Pretty neat, right? 🙂