Ranveer Singh entered Bollywood like a storm with Band Baja Baarat. His charm and charisma have been winning us over ever since. He has proven his mettle time and again with his acting prowess and carefree attitude. But everything comes with a price. So, while he was revelling in the success of his first film, there were rumours doing rounds that his father had apparently paid YRF a whopping amount of 10 crores to cast him in the film.
At a recent radio show, he was asked about the worst rumours he has heard about himself and he talked about the one where his debut “price” was quoted. He said that when the rumour started, he was really affected by it. In fact, there were people who contacted him asking how he pulled this off and if they could do it too. Ouch! However, when he looks back at it now, he just laughs it off.
Well, it seems like he is pretty used to how things in the industry work. And just putting it out there – Team MissMalini is totally in love with him 😉
What do you guys think?