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The Fashion Girl’s Way Of Folding Up Your Shirt Sleeves

The Fashion Girl’s Way Of Folding Up Your Shirt Sleeves

Anushka Mulchandani
Pocket Stylist: The Fashion Girl’s Way To Fold Up Your Shirt Sleeves

This isn’t a type of rocket science really. Like tying a tie, folding up your shirt sleeve isn’t something you had to be taught. Either you leave it long with the buttons on (which most girls don’t do, thank God), or you just roll it up to your forearms.

Pocket Stylist | Shirt: Bombay Shirt Company, Skirt: Jaspal

But it doesn’t have to be that basic. There’s always an upgrade and for a fashion girl, this is it. It’s just two simple steps, here goes…

Fold the sleeves in half

Pocket Stylist: Step 1

And now fold that in another half

Pocket Stylist: Step 2

The trick is to leave the cuffs sticking out of the fold. You can let them flop over you fold or just leave it out sticking up – it works both ways! This little trick works even better when your cuff comes with a print or a design on the inside and it works for men too! If you’re wearing a loose shirt, the folding pulls the puffy sleeves in from the bottom so it doesn’t look like you have them stuffed.

Pocket Stylist: The Fashion Girl’s Way To Fold Up Your Shirt Sleeves

And that’s it! Try it and tell me what you think 🙂

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