We’ve been keeping a close eye on Arjun Kapoor and an even closer eye on his style. His not-so-bandhgala at the IIFA Awards and his Rajesh Pratap Singh sandals at the press con, not to mention the chat we had with him about his clothes – he’s been on quite a fashion high. After all he was on GQ India‘s best-dressed list for a reason, right? So we were a tiny bit disappointed with this look. The upper half looks super slick, but wait till you see the bottom…
Arjun Kapoor
Arjun Kapoor
Arjun Kapoor
In a long white kurta-like shirt, a blazer on top, jeans and lace-ups he attended the launch of a product in Delhi. What I love is that shirt and blazer. In fact, it’s giving off some Kanye West vibes which I’m quite digging. The bottom half has me confused.
Maybe if he tucked his jeans into his shoes or wore a pair of high tops, the look would have really worked! He definitely needs to reuse that shirt Kanye-style though, I can’t wait to see what it looks like.
Meanwhile, we can’t really be mad at him for too long…
Err…yep, we forgive you!
Pix: Viral Bhayani for MissMalini