It’s like the Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants! Priyanka Chopra was recently spotted at the airport in the most flattering pair of wide-leg jeans we’ve have seen recently. The H&M number fit her like a glove and gave us one more reason to eagerly anticipate the opening of their India store. Over this weekend, Deepika Padukone was wearing a similar pair…
What’s great about these babies is that they practically cover your shoes and feet making you look instantly taller. They hug all the right curves and make almost any look formal. Take Deepika for instance. She’s wearing them under a basic nude tank and a sling. Had she worn a pair of skinny jeans, they wouldn’t have had the same effect. She has worn a similar fit previously, except these were heavily distressed and not as flattering, take a look
Don’t miss the identical top she’s wearing too. It’s cool to repeat and if Deepika Padukone can do it, then you can too! So who wore it better? – Deepika, Priyanka or Deepika?