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How Would Our Favourite Superheros Look In Different Movies? LIKE THIS!

How Would Our Favourite Superheros Look In Different Movies? LIKE THIS!

Shreemi Verma

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Source: Facebook.com/jdkronikles

Ever though of mixing things up a little? Like you know your favourite superheros in different movies? I know you have, that’s why the people behind this Facebook page JD Kronikles decided to show us how The Hulk is actually Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde and how Superman should probably replace Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind! Get it, get it? Batman is brilliant as Nightcrawler but I think he should be put in the poster of Raat Ki Rani too, hai na?

Which other superhero and not superhero movie mash-up can you think of? Tell us in the comments below!