Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Arjun Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha, amongst other celebrities, were spotted partying the night away in Kuala Lumpur, straight after IIFA 2015, hosted by none other than Hrithik Roshan. And if rumours are anything to go by – this particular party was the party of the decade! There was plenty of dancing, singing, masti and of course, an ongoing supply of drinks. Though everyone did their fair share of dancing and singing, it was Sona who stepped up to sing till the wee hours of the morning, accompanied by the party’s host!
Apart from Deeps, Ranveer, Arjun and Sona, actors Ayushmann Khurrana and Vivek Oberoi were also present at the party. Although Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor were also expected guests – the Baaghi co-stars both had early morning flights to catch and couldn’t make it. All the guests were said to have made an exit AFTER breakfast the next morning at 10am. A guest told a leading daily,
“We were having such a blast, that no one felt like breaking up the party!’
Wow! These B-town super stars sure know how to make the most out of a party! After all, you know what they say – work hard, party hard!
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