Rekha has left Fitoor and Tabu has replaced her. The official version says that the diva refused to shoot further because she wasn’t happy with the way her role was panning out. But, a blind item in Mumbai Mirror apparently says (or that’s what we got out of it) that Rekha left Fitoor because the movie was showing her as a far older woman than she imagines herself to be. Here’s an excerpt from the blind item Mumbai Mirror posted:
A yesteryear diva who recently walked out of a high-profile film project, has left many of us baffled with her decision. While the details are still nebulous at this stage, an insider tells us that she was not too happy with appearing ‘older’ than what she imagines herself to be.
Well, to be honest, Miss Havisham is an old, disillusioned woman who still wears her wedding dress. Rekha would have played this interesting character rather well, wouldn’t she?
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