The season for super dry skin, damaged hair, muck and excess humidity is upon us. I know, I know, it’s not here yet. But when the monsoon comes, all hell is about the break loose! And I mean it. Frizz, frizz and more frizz. And if we don’t take any action, we might all end up like Diana Ross. So to avoid THAT (points above), let’s start some of these tips today. Sooner the better, amirite?
1) Stay Dry
Invest in a good and efficient rain coat. Rain water is harsh. So it’s best to protect your hair as far as possible.

2) Shampoo
I know they say excessive hair washing is bad. But in this case it’s necessary to keep your scalp clean and rain water free.

3) Say No To Styling
It’s time to lock away all your heating appliances ladies. Take it as a challenge. The damp monsoon weather is already damaging your hair, so let’s try to savour what we have left, shall we?

4) Coconut Oil
Make coconut oil your best friend this monsoon. It has magic powers. Whether it’s your skin or hair, coconut oil is just amazing! Dab a little (I mean very little) into your palms and apply it from roots to tips. Especially the tips, as it tends to get rough and dry. This protect your strands from becoming bristle just INCASE you can’t live without your straightener or any there styling tool. You can also use it for an oil massage later (please note, I mean’t for the hair)!

5) Treatments
Along with the frizz, the rain casts it’s evil head that might break your bank. But hey! It’s only for those few months. To restore the lost life in your hair, it’s wise to invest in a deep conditioning treatment or a hot oil massage.

And finally…
6) DIY’s
Being a DIY fanatic I’ve got a recipe you can cook up that’ll fight the frizz (well most of it… There’s just SO MUCH FRIZZ!) and keep your hair full of life.
Ingredients: Egg + Avocado
Process: Mix the two well. You can add a tablespoon of castor oil as well. It’ll leave your hair feeling really soft and moisturised!
P.S – If you’d like to see cute monsoon hairstyles, just holler 🙂